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Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links


NEWS: 07 1530 JAN 2002

"I'm leaving on a jet plane..."

Tomorrow morning I fly to California, I'll be back around the 10th of February. See ya'll then.

SGT Rock!

NEWS: 05 0900 JAN 2002

Back from vacation, but I leave again on Tuesday for the National Training Center. While I was gone I didn't get any orders for Custom Built Stoves, so hopefully people are building their own.

New stuff: The Lightweight Backpacker has a cool new message board and navigation bar, check it out. And, Wingfoot has started making the new Trailplace.

Check out the stripes with the signature:

SGT Rock!

All dates are done in military day/time group. Example:

20 1945 OCT 2000

This means 20 (20th day) 1945 (7:45 PM) OCT (October) 2000 (year 2000). Hope this clears up any confusion.

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