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Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links
Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links


NEWS: 28 2230 MAY 2001

I started transferring my hand written notes into an on-line trip journal from my last Kisatchi hike. I hope to continue doing this as a regular feature. Unfortunately there aren't any photos from this hike due to the broken camera. Next month I'll be finishing Squadron Gunnery, then heading out on my summer AT hike. I hope to be able to add this hike - with photos, to my on-line journal. You'll also notice I put up a new hit counter, the old one hadn't worked for months.

As I mentioned, I'll be laving to go out to Squadron Gunnery for about two weeks, then I'll return for about a week of recovery (and hopefully a site update) then I'll be off to Georgia and N.C. for a good section hike of the A.T. Then when I return, I'll be right out to the field again. So, updates will be skimpy for a while.

Hope ya'll had a great Memorial Day.

SGT Rock!

NEWS: 19 2000 MAY 2001

No real update for today. I have been very busy for the past few weeks with lots of field time, Air Assault School, Backpacking, etc. 

Since last month's update I hiked the entire length of the Azalea Trail in the Kistachi National Forest. I kept a written journal but the camera was broken, so I can put up a written trip report without photos. I've got to go to the field again this weekend, so it will probably be the Memorial Day weekend before I can do the work. I would like to go hiking that weekend, but I have a color guard and rifle salute detail as a part of the Memorial Day ceremony. 

If you have e-mailed me and I haven't responded yet, I will get around to it, my e-mail accounts are very full.

Have fun hiking this weekend.

SGT Rock!

All dates are done in military day/time group. Example:

20 1945 OCT 2000

This means 20 (20th day) 1945 (7:45 PM) OCT (October) 2000 (year 2000). Hope this clears up any confusion.

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