Pay attention you dirt bag
sissies, I'm here to make you a REAL HIKER!
Last updated:
15 Mar 2005
Visitors since 1 April 2002
Actually I'm trying to capture some of the things I've learned
about hiking and backpacking in a place to share them. Hope you find something
here you can use. Let me know if you have any suggestions. I will try things
before putting them up. I only want to present information that I have used
and that is helpful.

NEWS: 2 1645 July 2004
You are seeing this old front page design because some hacker
decided to attack my site about midnight last nigh. I am trying to save the
old forum database so we don't loose all the history here. I hope to have the
database fixed by tomorrow. Then I plan to go back over to the middle east and
find the hacker.
All dates are done in military day/time group. Example:
20 1945
OCT 2000
This means 20 (20th day) 1945
(7:45 PM) OCT (October) 2000
(year 2000). Hope this clears up any confusion.