Cat Stove |
Printer Friendly instruction page I did not invent this stove, the original model I based mine on was invented by Roy L. "TrailDad" Robinson, his stove design can be found at Hiking Web Site. I only put these instructions on my site because I have made some modifications, and I'm constantly being asked about how to make one.
Step 1. Gather the Equipment. To build a Cat stove, you will need the following:
1 Large can of cat or dog food. $0.68 1 Small can of cat food. $0.30 1 Pair of oven liners. $0.97 Some fiberglass insulation. Free from a construction site scrap pile. 1 Hardware Cloth. Bought the roll a while back, can't remember the price. 3 paper clips. Free from your desk, or someone's at work. Don't get the plastic coated ones. Alcohol, denatured. You can find this in 32oz containers at Wal-Mart,
Lowe's, hardware stores, etc. Look in the paint thinner section.$2.98 Step 2. Gather your tools. You will need: 1 Large church key. 1 Small church key. 1 Pair scissors. 1 Small kitchen knife. 1 Hole punch. 12" Ruler. 1 Pair pliers with wire cutters.
Go to the next step: Step 1&2 |