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Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links
Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links


NEWS: 21 1030 DEC 2000

Haven't been doing any web updates lately. Hardware problems and then a necessary upgrade have taken up most of my time.

Today we had an early Christmas for the family here so we wouldn't end up taking our stuff all the way over to Alabama for the kids to open them, then haul them back. I got some cool stuff I've been wanting for Christmas:

1. Polypropylene gloves from Brigade Quartermaster (1oz).

2. Polypropylene neck gaiter from Brigade Quartermaster (2oz).

3. Polylight Polypropylene pants from Wal-Mart (4.5oz).

4. Sterns Rip-stop nylon rain pants from Wal-Mart (9.5oz).

5. Incoming order from REI:

     Minigaiters gaiters (3oz).

     OR GoreTex rain mittens (1.5oz).

6. Incoming order from Backcountry Gear Unlimited of Sil-Nylon stuff:

     Large (3.5oz) and small (2oz) pack covers. 

     Small (.5oz) and large (1oz) stuff sacks.

I'm also waiting for my Hennessy Ultralight to come back. I next day expressed my old hammock Tuesday, so maybe it will get back before New Years.

From our family to you and yours - Merry Christmas!

 SGT Rock!

NEWS: 17 1300 DEC 2000

Started getting back on updates after a long time of inactivity because of the field. I only have a short time to get some of the work done, I'm getting ready to head home on leave around the 24th of December.

Some stuff I've fix or updated are:

1. Packing lists, normal and light. Updated weights for some new gear.

2. AT page. Clarified my start date (April 1, 2006), I kept getting questions about it.

3. AT packing lists, normal and light. Updated some weights, and changed some planned gear.

4. Excel packing list. Updated weights and gear.

5. Hennessy Hammock page. Added some tips from my recent trip.

6. Fixed a link on my Stove Comparison. The link to the Tuna Stove was wrong.

7. Added a Link to Onestep's Ultralight page on the Links Page.

I'll get to work on some other stuff tonight and try to have an update done prior to December 24th.

I'm also thinking about backpacking at Oak Mountain State Park in Alabama this holiday. If you have any recommendations or good advice, please e-mail me.

 SGT Rock!

NEWS: 13 1300 DEC 2000

Back from the field after about three weeks doing OC duty and light cavalry gunnery. Had a good time using my Hennessy Hammock and playing with alcohol stoves in my free time when I wasn't blowing stuff up.

This week I'll get started on some updates. Things I have planned include a new link to a cool personal web page, fixing some broken links, updating my packing lists with some new equipment (minor stuff), updating my Hennessy Hammock page and tips, and getting back to work on the compass lessons. Thanks for the e-mails while I was out.

 SGT Rock!

All dates are done in military day/time group. Example:

20 1945 OCT 2000

This means 20 (20th day) 1945 (7:45 PM) OCT (October) 2000 (year 2000). Hope this clears up any confusion.

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