These days most ultralight
backpackers have decided to go to either alcohol, solid fuel such as
hexamine or Esbit® fuel, or isobutene. Each has it's own advantages and
stoves require you to carry a canister that weighs about 3 - 7 ounces empty
plus the weight of the stove which can be from about 2.5 - 5 ounces.
Isobutene has more BTUs per ounce than alcohol and can achieve a boil faster
than alcohol or hexamine. But the stoves do not perform as well when the
canister is low on fuel or the temperature is very low, then you may not be
able to achieve boil for a long time if at all. Canister stove fuel can only
be purchased at an outfitter or store that carries camping gear. The cost
for each boil can be anywhere from 20¢ to 40¢ for a pint of hot water.
Solid Fuel
Hexamine fuel has plenty of BTUs
and doesn't even really require a stove, simply a stand for the pot and a
good windscreen. A half ounce block of hexamine will boil a pint of water,
but it costs about 50¢ per pint of water boiled. Plus hexamine can smell
like dead fish, a bad smell to get into your pack!
is available in various forms such as denatured alcohol, fuel line de-icer,
or drinking alcohol. The purer the alcohol, the better the burn. Alcohol is
available at a number of trail re-supply stores since it has become the fuel
of choice for numerous long distance ultralight hikers. It is also available
at any store that sells painting supplies as lacquer thinner, stores that
sell fuel line additives as gas line dryer and de=icer, and at beverage
stores as Everclear hi proof alcohol. Alcohol can be hard to light in cold
weather, but if proper precautions are taken it will perform. Sherpas in the
Himalayas and mushers in the Iditarod both use alcohol stoves. But not only
is the fuel easy to find, it is also cheap. Boiling a pint of water with
alcohol can cost anywhere from 5¢ to 14¢ depending on the stove and the
price of fuel.
The 7
Day Comparison
As a comparison, I have listed
three of the most popular ultralight stoves as a comparison to the Ion
Stove: the JetBoil® which is the most fuel efficient of the isobutene
stoves, the Trangia® Westwind which is the oldest and most popular of the
alcohol stoves, and the Esbit® Wing stove which is the lightest solid fuel
stove on the market that I could find.
Each stove is required to boil 2 pints of water a
day for a week so the backpacker can have a hot breakfast and dinner.
Ion Stove |
Esbit® Wing Stove |
Trangia® Westwind |
JetBoil® |

Note: For the alcohol and solid fuel stoves,
these numbers include a 0.9L pot (4.05 ounces/114 grams), a windscreen (0.53
ounces/15 grams), and a cozy (1.2 ounces/34 grams). The alcohol stoves also
include a 9 ounce soda bottle (0.8 ounces/23 grams) and a generous +10% for
extra fuel for error. The JetBoil® includes a pot/cup and an integrated
windscreen and an integrated cozy,